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2014 Massey Grand Rounds Symposium March 19, 2014

“Addressing Disparities in Canadian Healthcare”

Scroll down for the complete program

Click here to read
Dr. David Goldbloom’s
Ode to 2014 MGR Symposium

2014 Massey Grand Rounds Symposium - Brochure - Inside Text - March 19
Moderator – Panel Discussion: Véronique Morin, Webster McConnell Fellow, Journalism, Massey College.
2014 Massey Grand Rounds Symposium - Brochure - Front & Back Cover - March 19

Poster & Brochure Design by: Merry Wang

2014 Massey Grand Rounds Symposium - Poster - March 19

Massey College

Mark your Calendar – March 19
2014 MGR Symposium

For more details, visit:

Massey Grand Rounds (MGR) is comprised of members of the Massey College community, including physicians, medical students and graduate students in areas related to medicine and health sciences. It convenes monthly during the school term and serves as a discussion forum for topics related to medicine, the health sciences, and issues of interest to students. Guest Mentors attend regularly. Planning for the Annual MGR Symposium is a significant element of these gatherings.

The group is guided by Dr. Aubie Angel, MD, FRCPC, Senior Resident/Fellow, President of Friends of CIHR.